• Preparation of metallic supported catalysts and oxides (metals, perovskites, carbides), synthesis of nanostructured materials (nanotubes and nanoparticles) and catalytic membranes; 
  • Characterizations “ex and in situ”(morphological, structural and surface); catalytic tests (activity, stability and selectivity) with reaction models and labeled molecules; 
  • Molecular modeling of catalysis (DFT); kinetic mechanisms (experimental design, estimation of kinetic parameters); 
  • Environmental Catalysis and photo-catalysis: removal of NOx / SOx, CO2 and artificial photosynthesis; 
  • Residual biomass catalytic transformations: hydrotreating; bio-oil, cellulose hydrolysis; hydrogenation of sugars; 
  • Industrial catalytic processes:  auto thermal reforming, partial oxidation, oxidative and non oxidative coupling of methane.