Prof. José Carlos Pinto

The research activities which are carried out by José Carlos Pinto and his students in LMSCP - Laboratory of Modeling, Simulation and Control of Chemical Processes - can be grouped in three major areas:

Parameter Estimation and Design of Experiments

José Carlos presenting a lecture about Parameter Estimation and Design of Experiments.


Complex Dynamic Behavior of Nonlinear Systems

Polymerization Systems

In the last years enormous efforts have been made to improve the experimental polymerization plants which belong to LMSCP. Nowadays, the following polymerization systems are being studied experimentally:

Obviously, all these research activities are carried out with the cooperation of other Professors and research groups, both in Brazil and in foreign countries.

A list of publications which illustrate the research activities of José Carlos Pinto in LMSCP can be found at the lateral menu page..

Raphael Vieira prepares the experimental set-up for a new experiment.